FALSE CREEK PAC EXECUTIVE – Roles and Responsibilities
The Chairperson
The chairperson coordinates Parent Advisory Council affairs in cooperation with other executive members. The chairperson makes a sincere effort to understand local conditions in the school and community, and maintains a spirit of loyalty, cooperation and friendliness among the executive and general membership. The chairperson also:
• presides at all meetings (If he or she is unable to attend, the vice-chairperson fills in. If they are both absent, the secretary calls the meetings and an alternative chairperson is appointed.);
• conducts business meetings;
• establishes meeting rules with the executive members;
• helps the vice-chairperson and secretary prepare the agenda for all meetings and consults with the principal;
• is responsible for preparing the information and facts needed for a good discussion on agenda topics;
• keeps meetings orderly (To keep spur-of-the-moment decision-making to a minimum, the chairperson provides an opportunity for additions to the agenda at the beginning of the meeting. However, some unexpected discussions may be important and should not be neglected. A quick vote at the meeting can decide this issue.); and,
• sets a timetable and sticks to it after the members decide the best time for beginning and ending meetings.
The Vice-Chairperson
The vice-chairperson fulfills an important role as an understudy to the chairperson and:
• reads and distributes all material received and discusses the information with committee
chairpersons and members;
• learns duties and responsibilities of the chairperson in order to preside at meetings in her
or his absence;
• takes over if the chairperson resigns;
• may be called upon to chair special committees or projects; and,
• may assume the office of chairperson the following year if there is support from the
general membership
The Treasurer
The treasurer is the custodian of funds and:
• disburses money according to the rules of the group and notes transactions in the treasurer’s book; and,
• presents a report of finances at each meeting for information (an annual report is usually
adopted before the election of new officers
The Secretary
The corresponding secretary:
• writes all letters;
• keeps a file of incoming correspondence and copies of outgoing correspondence;
• circulates attendance sheets during meetings and forwards to vice-chairperson; and,
• forwards list of executive names and positions to the board office (the VSB maintains a
master list of all committee chairpersons).
• records minutes of regular and executive meetings;
• presents and reads minutes for adoption at meetings; and,
• maintains a minutes book that may include:
– rules of order
– notebooks from past executives and committee chairpersons
school handbook
DPAC (District Parent Advisory Council) Representative
The role of a DPAC Representative includes:
- to act as a liaison between the PAC and the DPAC
- to communicate and obtain information from their respective PAC
- to vote on behalf of their respective PAC
- to forward school based issues to DPAC
- to represent their respective PAC at all DPAC meetings and events
Each committee will select a Chairperson who will:
- represent and report on the committee at monthly PAC meetings
- organize and oversee volunteers for committee activities
- coordinate activities with other committee members and PAC Executive
We have the following Committees in place: Social/Arts & Culture, Sports and Recreation, Environment, Fundraising (all PAC Exec participate in fundraising).
Some of the programs our Committees plan include: